Eagle Scout Honor Roll

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Fox Island's Troop 27 has produced over 40 Eagle Scouts in just 17 years, far above the National average of 5% of Scouts who make it to Eagle. This is the Eagle Honor Roll, of Troop 27 Scouts who have earned the highest honor in the Boy Scouts of America.

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Eagle Scouts #1 Alex Ohlson and #2 Jesse Long

Eagle Scouts Alex Ohlson and Jesse Long pass their Eagle Scout board of review on December 16, 2010, becoming the first two Eagle Scouts from Troop 27.


Eagle Scouts Jensen Bond and Grant Toepfer

Jensen Bond and Grant Toepfer pass their Eagle Scout board of review on December 21, 2010, becoming the third and fourth Eagle Scouts from Troop 27.


Eagle Scouts Max Reetz and Dallas Thornton

Max Reetz became the fifth Eagle Scout from Troop 27 on January 24, 2010, and Dallas Thornton became the sixth Eagle Scout on March 14, 2011.


Six Eagles Court of Honor

From left: Dallas Thornton, Jesse Long, Max Reetz, GrantToepfer, Jensen Bond and Alex Ohlson received their Eagle Awards on April 9, 2011, at the Fox Island Yacht Club, approximately three years after joining Troop 27.

Theirs was the very first Eagle Court of Honor for Troop 27, the first of 21 Eagles under the leadership of Scoutmaster and Troop Founder John Ohlson.


Eagle Scout Sravan Konda

Sravan Konda, Troop 27's Seventh Eagle Scout passed his board of review on April 16, 2012.

He is the first Scout in Troop 27 to earn the Centennial Eagle Scout badge, marking the 100th anniversary of the Eagle Scout Award.


Eagle Scout Spencer Godfrey

Spencer Godfrey, Troop 27's Eighth Eagle Scout passed his board of review on August 13, 2012 as a member of Venture Crew 27.


Eagle Scout Nathan David

Spencer Godfrey, Troop 27's Ninth Eagle Scout passed his board of review on December 29, 2012.


Eagle Scout #10 Colin Wilson

Colin Wilson, Troop 27's Tenth Eagle Scout passed his board of review on December 29, 2012.


Eagle Scout Cameron Allen

Cameron Allen, Troop 27's Eleventh Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on January 4, 2013.


Five Eagles Court of Honor - 2013

Spencer Godfrey, Nathan David, Colin Wilson, Cameron Allen and Sravan Konda completed their requirements for Eagle Scout in 2012, and were awarded the honor at a five-way Eagle Scout Court of Honor on March 9, 2013, at Sehmel Homestead park in Gig Harbor.

These Scouts earned the Eagle Award under the leadership of Scoutmaster John Ohlson.


Eagle Scout Colin Rivera

Colin Rivera, Troop 27's twelfth Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on August 12, 2013.

In 2013, the Eagle Badge reverted back to the original design. All of the following recipients received this version of the Eagle badge.


Eagle Scout Thomas Ichiyama

Thomas Ichiyama, Troop 27's thirteenth Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on November 25, 2013.


Eagle Scout Ian Nation

Ian Nation, Troop 27's fourteenth Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on April 21, 2014.

Ian went on to join Sea Scouts in 2014, and eventually earned the Quartermaster's Award, the Sea Scouts equivalent to the Eagle Award.


Eagle Scout Mason Yonkers

Mason Yonkers, Troop 27's fifteenth Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on November 12, 2014.


Eagle Scout Matthew Wild

Matthew Wild, Troop 27's sixteenth Eagle Scout,
passed his board of review on December 10, 2014.


Eagle Scout #20 Mitchell Baltmiskis

Mitchell Baltmiskis, Troop 27's 20th Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on February 18, 2015.

He is the first Scout in Troop 27 to complete his Eagle Scout requirements in 2015, and the last Scout to reach the rank of Eagle under the direction of Scoutmaster John Ohlson.


Eagle Scouts Daniel Crone, Ian Collins and Jarrett Siler

Daniel Crone, Ian Collins and Jarrett Siler all passed their Eagle Scout Boards of Review on January 22, 2015. They were the last Scouts to complete their Eagle requirements in 2014.


Seven Eagle Court of Honor - 2015

Troop 27 of Fox Island awarded the rank of Eagle to seven of its members on March 14, 2015. From Left: Thomas Ichiyama, Mitchell Baltmiskis, Ian Collins, Mason Yonkers, Matthew Wild, Jarrett Siler and Daniel Crone. These seven scouts were the last of the first 20 Eagles in Troop 27's seven year history!

State Representative and Navy Battleship Captain Larry Seaquist was the keynote speaker, and the Eagle Scouts were escorted in by the Clan Gordon Pipe Band.

These Scouts earned the Eagle Award under the leadership of Scoutmaster John Ohlson.


Eagle Scout Spencer Trop

Spencer Trop, Troop 27's 21st Eagle Scout, passed his board of review on November 7, 2014.

Spencer was one of the founding members of Pack 27, and the first Cub Scout from Pack 27 to reach Eagle Scout.

He earned 90 merit badges.


Eagle Scout Nate Waltz

Nate Waltz became Eagle Scout #22 on June 13, 2016.

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